Custom-build your assessment in 5 minutes to understand candidates’ culture fit, soft & hard skills - thanks to our library with 150+ tests, made by leading experts. Simple.
Just make it.
1, 2, 3...150+ tests on Maki.
It’s unlimited so you can take them all.
You are the boss, but it will be a pleasure to recommend our job kit to you.
Your assessment is as unique as you are.
We have a lot of surprises in store...
One single view to compare candidates to each other and to our entire database. Deep dive on interesting candidates if needed. Automate decisions and send candidates their personalized test feedback to build the best experience of hiring. Bias-free.
Simply add the test link to your job description. Using an ATS? Use our 20+ ATS integrations so that every applicant automatically receives their assessment. Efficient.
Define the job you want to recruit for and personalize candidates platform to create a delicious branded experience.